Vélocité LLC

E-Mobility solutions for Western North Carolina and beyond


Batteries & Chargers

About Us
Welcome to Vélocité, your ebike conversion and motor kit dealer company for Western North Carolina (WNC) and beyond. Vélocité is French for speed, which is what we provide through our E bike conversion service. We also supply motor kits and battery systems for the DIY community. We are based near Asheville but sell our motor and battery kits to anyone located in the Eastern half of the US.
For more information on the green and white vehicle that you may have seen driving around the Asheville area, please click on the tab above titled “Pedal Powered Nascar?”. Yes, it is pedal powered.

Value – When you compare the specs and options, factory eBikes cannot match a custom bike in price and performance. A factory eBike averages 2-3 times more expensive.
Lower cost of entry – An eBike conversion can also help those who would like to start experiencing the multiple advantages of riding an eBike, without spending $3,000 or more for a factory eBike. After a couple of years you may decide that your eBike conversion is sufficient for your needs or you may decide that you want to want to upgrade your motor kit or even purchase a factory eBike, with additional bells and whistles.
Non-proprietary and maintainable – our eBike conversions use readily available parts. Every part is either repairable or replaceable. That is often not the case with a factory E bike.
Customizable – We can tailor your bike to your riding style. Whether that be a commuter bike, a long ranger or an off-road mountain climbing beast. We can make the necessary component adjustments to suit either purpose.
Upgradable – Once you have the motor and battery, you can upgrade to any bike you want if your needs change. With a factory eBike, upgrading requires the replacement of the entire bike for thousands of dollars.
After an in-depth sales consultation to determine your needs, we convert your existing bike to an eBike, using one of the six motor kits that we sell. If you don’t have a bike, we can facilitate the purchase of one, based on your biking goals and budget. If you prefer to perform the installation yourself, we can also sell you the motor kit and battery system.
Our goal is to leverage our bicycle expertise to help our clients with their ebike purchase and ownership experience.
You will notice that we only sell mid drive motor kits and not hub-drive based kits. Mid drive motor systems are found on all of the quality eBike brands for a reason. Torque and Efficiency.
Considering how steep the hills are around WNC, it would be irresponsible of us to sell anything but mid-drive motor systems. A mid drive motor system works with your bikes existing gearing to whisk you along up the hills at 15mph+, rather than grind away at a mere 3-5mph.
We also only sell 52V batteries, which will run cooler than lower voltage batteries and therefore are safer and will last much longer. They are composed of 2170 cells for maximum power density*, which means more miles of range for the same weight.

Conversion price: $275 – $350, depending on bike
Motor kit and battery prices start at: $995
Existing bike: $0
New or used bike: $300 – $500
Estimated base kit conversion total: $1,270 – $1,845
A comparably equipped factory bike will start at about $3,000.
There are cheaper eBikes on the market, but once you compare specs, you will see there is no comparison. What do you need to ask yourself is, do I want an eBike that will last and be able to easily conquer the steep hills around Western North Carolina? If the answer is yes, then Vélocité can provide that solution for you.
*2170 Cells are currently the highest power cells available for eBike batteries. 4680 cells have a higher power density but are currently only being used in the Tesla model Y and Cybertruck.